Corner of Wharf and Grafton Streets, Maclean 2463 NSW |
Centenary of Armistice |
1918 - 2018 |
Keepsakes |
the home front, women dealt with the consequences of war—managing
children and family responsibilities alone, shortages of resources, as
well as their fears for the future, and the grief and trauma of losing
loved ones.
Many women were also actively involved as nurses and in other active service duties, and contributed more actively to war efforts through military service. Other Australian women were also closely connected with war through male relatives and friends away on military service.
Below are some on the many items either brought back by returned soldiers or sent back as keepsakes to their windows or loved ones. Come and visit the Museum to see the rest of our display |
Below are photos of some
of the WW1 soldiers that went to war from the Lower Clarence, NSW. |
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