Corner of Wharf and Grafton Streets, Maclean 2463 NSW

Historical Photos
Motor garage owned by Roy Davis, now owned by Maclean Outdoors, at 255 River St, Maclean


Since he established the business in 1921, the motor and general engineering works of Mr. Roy Davis, at Maclean, have grown to such a high state of efficiency that it is doubtful if more modern and effective motor engineering works, capable of dealing with all branches of motor work, can be found outside the metropolitan area. The premises, which are opposite the Maclean post office, were built with due regard to accessibility and convenience as a garage, every available area on the land being utilised to make the works efficient. On the front of the premises is a modern "drive in," with eight electric pumps. There is a modern greasing plant and adjoining it, is a large hydraulic hoist. Inside the premises every appliance, engine and machine to meet the requirements of the trade, has been installed, the plant being operated by a skilled staff very competent in all branches of motor and engineering work. In addition to an already extensive plant, the proprietor has installed the latest necessary equipment to make the workshop complete, and he is in a position to handle any kind of job. There has been installed a Weidendoff engine analyser which quickly detects any mechanical defect in a motor engine. A brief outline of some of the work that can be done on the premises is turning and fitting, electric welding, oxy-welding, die cast welding, cylinder boring and sleeving, and vibro centric method of valve grinding. Mr. Davis recently installed, a new machine to deal with all steering troubles. This machine quickly detects any fault in the steering, and axles can be straightened and set and all steering adjustments can be done on this wonderful machine without removing the axle off the car. An electric test bench is used for repairing all car electric appliances. There is also a Blackhawk porto power, which is used for chassis straightening and motor body, work. Machinery in use allows the straightening of axles and chassis, cold, which is done by hydraulic pressure. This saves any deterioration by heating. There is a 50-ton hydraulic press, also a complete panel beating outfit, used for straightening out the bodies and guards of cars when they are dented or damaged. There is a complete vulcanising outfit. Mr. Davis has the latest equipned towing truck, enabling him to deal quickly and promptly with any breakdown alongside the roadside. Being the official local representative for the R.A.C. service, he has made every provision to assist any travelling motorist who may meet trouble when travelling within reach of the town, his telephone number being 63 Maclean. Mr. Davis carries a number of important agencies, including the Chrysler and Chrysler-Plymouth, and the Fargo and Morris motor cars and trucks. Agencies are also held for the Indian, Norton, Panther and Triumph motor cycles, also the Howard rotary hoes, and Leonard refrigerators. He also keeps in stock a large assortment of all brands and sizes of tyres, oils and motor accessories.
From Trove & Daily Examiner 1938..